The study investigates the “Effects of Scaffolding Instructional Strategy on Attitude, Retention and Performance in Ecology among senior secondary school students of Giwa, Education Zone, Kaduna State, Nigeria”. The study was carried out as a result of the low performance of students in Biology especially in Ecology concepts as reported by W.A.E.C. Chief Examiner Reports (2008-2017). The research design was quasiexperimental, involving pretest, posttest and postpost-test. A sample of 139 SS II students was drawn from a population of 3092. Two instruments tagged Ecology Performance Test (ECPT) and Attitude to Ecology Questionnaire (AEQ) were used for data collection. The reliability coefficient of ECPT was calculated to be 0.88, while that of Attitude to Ecology Questionnaire (AEQ) was found to be 0.75. Six null hypotheses were tested at P0.05 level of significance using t-test, Wilcoxon signed rank test and Kruskalwallis test. The findings among others show that a significant difference existed in the performance and retention scores of the participants in favour of the experimental group. Also there was a significant difference in the attitude of experimental group compared to the control group, with the experimental showing a better attitude score. In addition, there was no significant difference in the performance of male and female student taught in the experimental group. The strategy proved to have a high potential for enhancing academic performance, retention and better attitude to the concept taught on the part of the students. On the basis of this finding a number of recommendations were made among which is the teaching of Ecology should be carried out with tasks that involve using scaffolds and involving interaction among students and teachers.
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Background of the Study
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Background of the Study
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Chapter One: Introduction
1.1 Background of the Study
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